Member Voices

You ARE Important! Thank you for what you do!

By Kymm Ballard posted 09-15-2022 18:28


You Are Important!

Teachers are underappreciated in our society. Their hard work often goes unnoticed, and they deserve more recognition than they receive.

That’s why as we begin another school year, I want to say a big THANK YOU to all teachers, and particularly to SHAPE America members and all of the health and physical educators in our HPE community. I hope as you settle in for another year of teaching, you’ll always remember how amazing you truly are — and never forget your “why.”

As a health and physical education teacher, you play a pivotal role in students’ physical, mental, and social-emotional health. You can really make a difference in a student’s life!

Thank you for all you do — for students and the “other duties.” Please remember that you are valued, loved and appreciated. This is for you ...


Thank you for all the hard work you do in and out of the classroom to help your students! You push them to work hard, challenge them to be great, and inspire them to never give up. It is a difficult job. I cannot think of one person I know who would not fully agree with that statement.

You constantly strive to learn, create, and evolve ... so thank you for the time you spend developing fun, standards-based lessons and assessments — even when it takes time away from your family or vacation. Thank you for the advocacy work you do for your field and students. Thank you for the energy you bring to your classes and for encouraging, motivating, and putting smiles on your students’ faces when they accomplish something they never thought they could.

You are valued.

You always adapt. Thank you for enduring the cold, early mornings
(and hot, sunny afternoons!), risking exposure to germs and viruses, and harsh comments about not working in the summer. It’s incredible how you always adapt to last-minute changes, regroup when kicked out of your teaching space, and quickly step in as a “substitute teacher” whenever needed. Thank you for pivoting so quickly and helping each other as you learned to teach online during one of the most stressful times of our lives.

You’re the one who is making a difference.

Thank you for all the shoelaces you tie, the claps your hands make, the toll on your voice box, and the hours on your feet. Thank you for dealing with students who do not want to participate — and for finding a way to keep them engaged so they learn those important skills that will help them throughout life. Thank you for teaching health skills to our students rather than taking an easy way out with videos.

You are appreciated.

Thank you for making children feel important and loved, for taking an interest in their lives, remembering that they are in youth baseball or swim club or in a play ... and then asking them about it. Thank you for scarfing down your lunch, coaching multiple sports, showing up at meetings, and changing personal plans when students need you after school
— always putting students first. Thank you for realizing the mental state of our country and its effects on you and our schools.

You are loved.

Many teachers have had those times when we feel like throwing in the towel and leaving teaching altogether, but then we remember there is something great about teaching. It's deep in our hearts.

So, this is written to YOU to let you know that you are valued, appreciated, and loved in our HPE community. I appreciate all that you do on a day-to-day basis and hope you’ll take this moment to remember that you are awesome!

This year, take care of yourself because, as you see, you are valuable to your students. You’re the one who is making a difference.

Have a great year, and I hope to see you at #SHAPEseattle!




09-28-2022 09:35

Love this. We value, appreciate, and love you Kymm! Thank you for your leadership.

09-23-2022 09:14

I wanted to add some emoji's and a comment full of hearts, but I can't figure out how LOL!!

THANK YOU for your message! I needed that this morning!!

09-22-2022 10:15

Thank you for the pep talk President Dr. Ballard!!!

09-20-2022 13:10

Thanks Kymm, you are an inspiration!!!


09-20-2022 11:56

Great article, Kymm!  Can't wait for Seattle for my annual dose of friendships, curricula ideas, and new connections!

09-15-2022 20:38

This is a great resource!